Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 8: 02 Nov (Sun) - Farewell, Visit Orphanage, Cruise Dinner

Dear Parents and Students

Today marked the last night we are going to spend at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The past 8 days have been awesome and fantastic. Friendship were forged and tie between the two schools were strengthened.

I believe that the students have learnt and grown during the past 8 days of immersion programme.

In the morning, we have our farewell at Nguyen Gia Thieu High School and then followed by a visit to the Orphanage, Trung Tam Nuoi Duong Bao Tro Tre Em Go Vap, in the afternoon. Thereafter, the students have dinner on a cruise ship.

As the teacher-in-charge of updating the blog, I felt apologetic for not being able to upload the tons of good photos today. Here are some photos to whet your appetite,

Finally, credits go to the teachers who had helped to take the photos during the last 8 days especially the energetic Ms Daphne Chong,

Birthday cake for Sherlyn by her Vietnamese buddy

Surprise celebration 
Symmetrical? :) 

Farewell pose ... 

Pose with host family

One final group pose...
The team of staff who worked quietly behind the scene until now. :)

Not a bear hug but a 'parting' hug.. 

Spot who is crying...
Lunch first before moving out again ...

Purchasing the items requested by the orphanage 
Donation items contributions by staff and students of NVSS 
It ain't heavy ... I can do it 

Visit to the orphanage 

Interaction time

Lying down

Group pictue

Who is copying or imitating? 

One for the camera pls.

Ming Wei transformed ! 

Dinner on a cruise ship 

Dinner time

Birthday celebration  for the November students

Group picture after the dinner

Day is not ended until reflection is done ... GOOD JOB NVSS students!

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