Wednesday, September 24, 2014

24 September: Meeting #4 at MR1

Dear students

Great presentations today. Well done.

Two Reminders :

1. Pls send your bio-data card to your Group teacher IC for checking.

2. Pls check with your parent if they are coming for the 10 Oct briefing. Do let us know who is/are actually attending the session. Hope to see your parents on that day!

Additional Points
Just to reiterate Mr Leong's remarks

1. Stick to the schedule given.

2. Be punctual and attend all meetings. Let the teacher IC knows if you can't attend. This is being responsible.

3. Do not say quit now. You have come so far.

I would like to add another point: Such opportunity may not happen again and is hard to come by. Life is a journey, experience it.

Some Basic Tips on Creating PowerPoint Slides

1. Consistent font style.

2. Font size should not be too small.

3. Good contrast between background and text.

4. Avoid cramping all points in a single slide. Split up if necessary.

5. Information should be presented clearly. Recall the point I made about the size and population of Vietnam.

6. Put yourself in the shoe of the audience. What do you think they would like to see or hear.

7. You can google more on creating good slides.

Try to look at the audience when you are doing your presentation. :)

Here's are the photos for the day (Photos are not very clear due to the poor lighting)

Presenters in action

Who turns? :)

Look serious or nervous?

Thinking hard!?

Paying attention

Have fun

Mr Leong, hmm....

Friday, September 19, 2014

Very Proud of all of You

Dear students,

I am very proud of you when I saw the short video clip of your performance. I thought you did a pretty good job despite the lack of practice. Keep up the good work.

Next, a reminder on 2 things. First is your biodata. Show your teacher i/c on 24/9 during the meeting.
Second, group presentation of research topics as well on 24/9. Please remember to save your presentation into a thumbdrive and bring it on that day.

Order of presentation:
1. Geography of Vietnam & HCMC (Group 4)
2. History of Vietnam & HCMC (Group 3)
3. Different religion & Etiquette in Vietnamese homes, Cuisine (Group1)
4. Cu Chi Tunnel, Agent Orange (Group 5)
5. Vietnamese greetings and Festivals (Group 2)

All of you can also start to bring items you want to donate. Please adhere strictly to these items only:
1) Clothes - washed, clean and not torn
2) Stuff toys - in clean and good condition
3) Books/Stationeries - picture books only no novels please
4) Toys - clean, workable condition

Rule of thumb when you are not sure can give or not: Just put yourself in their shoe, will you feel offended if you receive the donated items?

Mr Leong

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Update on the Dates for the Vietnam Trip

Dear students,


Please take note that the dates for the trip remains as 26 Oct to 3 Nov.

Please update your parents!!


Monday, September 15, 2014

15 September: Meeting #3 at MR3

Dear Students,

Please be reminded that our next meeting would be on 24/9 (Wed) at 7.30 am Venue: Either MR1 or MR3

Change of date for the trip
Please check with your parents if they are fine on change of date for the Vietnam trip from 2 Nov to 10 Nov.

Souvenir for Home Stay and for Buddy
To show appreciation for our host hospitality, please  prepare 2 small gift -
1 for Home Stay and
1 for buddy.
You can consider going to Mustafa Centre to get the items.

One Farewell Gift for the Buddy
To prepare a farewell gift to buddy.

Familiarisation of Songs
Please familiarise yourself with the song,  please click on the links below if you are still unsure.

Rasool, pls pass your printed copies of the song to the students who are going for the trip this week. Distribute by class.

Cup Song:

Count On Me:

Research Topic
The deadline for this assignment is overdue.
All groups to complete and be ready to present the Power Point slides during the meeting on 24/9.

Personal Information Card 
The deadline for this assignment is overdue.
Pls submit it to the teacher on 24/9 for checking.

Be a responsible and thinking student. Complete all tasks on time so that you need NOT rush later.

Here are some pictures for all ->

All gear up - The  New Vietnam Pose 

Yo Yo Yo - Here come the cute pose 

We are counting on all of you. :)

Practising the Cup song!! New Formation.

Cup Song- old formation

Personal info - Top Secret?

Personal info - For buddy's eye only..

Listen - one conversation please. 

Let's get our acts together.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Things to do during holidays

Dear students,

Familiarisation of Songs
To make our next meeting on 15/9 better, please click on the links below to familiarise and learn the songs during the holidays.

Rasool has kindly volunteered to print out the lyrics to 'Count On Me' for the next meeting. Thanks Rasool! : )

Cup Song:

Count On Me:

Research Topic
Groups to complete and be ready to show teacher i/c on 15/9

Personal Information Card 
To show on 15/9

Donation Items
As mentioned, do get ready items you wish to donate under these categories:
1) Picture books only (no novel etc)
2) Toys (must be functional and good condition)
3) Stuff Toys (cleaned, not dirty)
4) Clothes (not torn, must be cleaned)
I will set a date for you to bring these items to school

3 September: Meeting #2 at Computer Lab 3

Held the 2nd meeting to update admin matter and outstanding tasks. The students also discuss the performance items for the trip.

Started at 2.45 pm. The tasks to be completed! 

Stay focused.

In frenzy discussion

The teachers are listening....

Summing up for the day around 5.15 pm. Wow, what a long day! 

Video clip

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1 September: Meeting #1 at MR1

The team had their first meeting on 1st Sept.

Students present:
1. Haziqah  2. Henry  3. Ruth  4. Shafiqah
5. Yamin  6. Sabrina  7. Ahmad  8. Rivashini
9. Eugene  10. Sherlyn  11. Venosha  12. Joyce
13. Sahannas  14. Shanna  15. Ariffin  16. Yu Yun
17. Hiwashini  18. Quraisya  19. Rasool  20. Jiali
21. Zun Hong  22. Dionna  23. Syahirah  24. Aqilah
25. Feng Yu  26. Ming Wei  27. Qi Cheng

The students were briefed on the objectives and expectations of the programme. They were also introduced to teachers who will be their chaperons, guardian angels, mentor etc during the trip.

The accompanying teachers are: Mr How, Mr Leong, Mr Long, Mrs Ho, Ms Chong, Ms Suganthi and Mr Lim HC

It dd not take long for the students to know each other as Mr Leong gave them their 'assignments' prior to the trip.

The students were told to create a Personal Information Card (PIC) as a meeting gift for their Vietnamese friends in October

The PIC should consists of:
1. Personal information (bio-data, family, school, class, CCAs, best  
  friends, etc)
2. Significant events in your life so far e.g. First overseas trip
3. Interesting things about yourself e.g. Hobbies, what you usually do
4. Talents (if any) e.g. You can play the violin very well

The students were also divided into 5 different groups to give them the opportunities to work with other people and make new friends

 Teacher i/c : Mr Long

 Teacher i/c: Ms Suganthi

 Teacher i/c: Ms Chong

 Teacher i/c: Mr Lim HC

                                                                        Teacher i/c: Mrs Ho 

To ensure that the trip is meaningful to them, the groups drew lots to work on 5 topics related to Vietnam prior to the trip:

1. Geography of Vietnam & HCMC (Group 4)
2. History of Vietnam & HCMC (Group 3)
3. Different religion & Etiquette in Vietnamese homes, Cuisine (Group1)
4. Cu Chi Tunnel, Agent Orange (Group 5)
5. Vietnamese greetings and Festivals (Group 2)

In line with our school's philosophy that every pupil can achieve his/her potential, we are glad to appoint Yamin and Zun Hong as the Team's leader. Small group leaders will be selected by the group themselves.

Our 2 leaders! Yamin and Zun Hong : )

Next meeting: 3 September 2014 , 2.45pm,  MR1 
Students who have yet to submit photocopied passport to give it to your respective teacher i/c.
Think of an item to be performed at Nguyen Gia Thieu High School

See all of you in the next meeting : )

Welcome the 2014/15 Vietnam Cultural Immersion Programme (CIP) blog!

Hi all, welcome to the 2014/15 Vietnam Cultural Immersion Programme (CIP) blog.

This blog will serve as a communication tool between the selected students and accompanying teachers prior to the trip.
It also updates other members of the NVSS family members as well as parents on the team's preparation for the trip. We hope to get your support for this programme.

Preparation for the trip started as early as February this year to raise awareness among the sec 2s.

Feb 2014: The previous batch of CIP students raised awareness of this programme to the current Sec 2s during CCE.

May 2014: Students with good conduct grades and who did well for their MYE were informed that they have been selected for the programme and were told to let parents know the good news

July 2014: Second meeting for selected students to confirm their interest in the programme

August 2014: Schedule was put up for interview with the selected students

August 2014: First informal meeting with the selected students

Sept 2014: Students going for the trip finalised

Sept 2014: First meeting

Students going for the trip are to use this blog to find out any updates